Wednesday, February 03, 2010

The Life of a Techie

Caller- I'm having problems connecting with my vpn. I was connected but now I'm not.
Me- Ok, what's the error you're getting?
Caller- Shoot, I don't remember but it's after it starts trying to connect... hold on I'll try to find it again.
Me- Is it secure connection lost, remote host not responding...?
Caller- Remote host! That's it.
Me- Do you have a firewall on?
Caller- No, I just rebooted there's no firewall.
Me- If you just rebooted the firewall probably re-enabled.
Caller- Really? Oh... how do I find it... wait yes there it is!
Me- Ok go ahead and disable that.
Caller- Ok now what?
Me- Try and connect again.
Caller- It says unable to find the ip, switching to back-up...
Me- Can you get to google for me?
Caller- No I don't have any kind of connection, I lost all of it.
Me- You kind of need internet for VPN to work.
Caller- Really?
Me- Really. *pounds face against keyboard*

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Metal Concerts Dos and Don'ts

It's been quite a long time since I've posted on my own blog. While guest editing for I realized I've sort of missed the egocentricity. So here's my gallant return, and the topic- Metal concerts. So without any further ado, enjoy.

Dos- Metal is a genre of variety with a core sound that speaks to fans across the differing styles. From death metal to symphonic metal, the thrashing rhythms, growling male vocals, and pounding drums make us feel alive. So of course there are some core things that you must do. I like cohesive lists so here are the top five:

1. Dress appropriately- while everyone enjoys a gothed out look from time to time, this is a Metal concert, which includes mosh pits. This means it's going to get hot, and more than possibly violent. So wearing appropriate clothing and footwear is a must.

2. Look into the line-up. If you're there to see a headline-ing band, check to see who the openers are, give yourself a point of reference on what kind of sound they have so if you like them live you can add them to your list of bands to check out.

3. Bring ear plugs. I know, that's not hardcore, but it's not cool to be deaf at the age of 40 either. You can still hear the music, you can still feel the pulse of the rhythm and you're protecting your hearing for the music you'll be listening to forty years from now. Plus, if you really hate one of the opening acts maybe it'll help tune them out more. Probably not, but maybe.

4. Bring friends. This seems rather obvious, but it can't be overstated. Metal is a growing genre of mostly recommendation. Most of the best bands out there aren't being played on radios and word of mouth is what gets the music we love out there. Do you have friends that are into some of the more main-streamed metal? Do you have a closet metal friend? Bring them! Open up the world of metal to more people!

5. Have fun, but do it safely. Revelry is to be expected, encouraged, embraced, and demon horned. But don't be stupid. We get a bad rep as it is showing up with our tattoos, piercings, metallic accessories, and black. Be safe when you're partying.

Pretty common sense Dos right? You'd think the Don'ts would be as well. But, after attending the Epica concert last night, I think some of us might need reminders.

1. Air guitar is for youtube and the privacy of your bedroom. Nothing makes you look like a punk more than rocking out on the emperor's axe. I think the only thing more stupid is that random older guy playing air keyboard. Come on now, really?

2. If you're there because your boyfriend is into Metal and you want to be the cool supportive girlfriend, great! BUT, dancing like you're at a Brittany Spears concert, holding your hair back like you're in your own center stage just makes you a tool. Maybe that's judgemental on my part, but do you see the head banging? And you're there gettin' jiggy wit it... not metal babe.

3. Mosh pits are NOT, I'll repeat this, are NOT where you try and practice tai chi. That girl in point number 2 that looks like a tool is the hottest piece on the dance floor when compared to your tucked in t-shirt, high-riding tight jeans wearing Mr Miagi wannabe punk self.

4. Don't cause permanent damage. Whether it's to yourself, the venue, and/or others around you, causing permanent or expensive harm is just stupid. Yes, moshing is freaking awesome, no having whiplash is not cool.

5. I think it's great that the younger crowds want to go to Metal shows. Bring the family, rock on! But when aren't allowed to leave the pit because you're underage and don't have the right mark, band, ribbon, magic word, be a big kid, suck it up, and don't bitch because the rules don't suit you. This is a metal show, not the emo show, SHUT IT.

So those are some very strong guidelines I'd personally like to pass on. If the Design Your Universe tour is coming near you, I strongly recommend attending. It's completely worth it.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Little Big Planet FTW!

That's right, Little Big Planet, the most fun I've had with a video game... ever. Not that my repetoire is particularly long on video game perusals. But this game is making an addict out of me. I always figured when buying the PS3 it would be more of a purchase for my SO than for me. I believe I will be getting my half of the money's worth in a very short period of time.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Proud to Serve

As a kid we often got excited about trips. Traveling to different states could feel like going to a different country. There were accents, customs, personalities, and a sense of loyalty. I remember exclaiming when I would see something familiar, such as a gas station, or favorite restaurant chain.

As an adult, this giddy perspective matures into an understanding of the division of our great nation. The politics, religion (or lack thereof), ideals, and opinions that make us individuals, also cause separation. The war that wages abroad, causes anxiety and dissetion here.

I was doing some training in another state, about two and a half hours away from home. While dining alone in the hotel lobby one evening, I was engaged in conversation. The usual niceties of discussion were envoked. I explained that I was there for training, and gave a generic description of my specialty. I was open with my military views, and indeed proud to share.
While I was not met with hostility, I was met with misunderstanding. Instead of respecting my small role, the individual attempted at dissuading me from my duty. This former Army soldier told me to get out, save my future, and other such things.

I was astonished at this reaction, especially from someone who served four years. There are those who serve this country because of the monetary benefits, travel opprotunities, or simply as a way out. I understand, and I do not hold any animosity or disrespect toward them for this. However, there are also those who serve because of a sheer love and patriotism for this country. Whether we are at war, or at peace, this love does not die. It is not a love that comes with tragedy and leaves at mourning's end. It is a love that is renewed by the faces of loved ones, a pride that tingles with the playing of our National Anthem, and a respect that shows in the sharpness of a salute to our flag; an acknowledgement of those who came before.

We shine our boots, iron our uniforms, and march for the hell of it. Our dicipline isn't instructed, it's inate. This love cannot be taught, or ingrained, or as the person in the restaurant claimed "brainwashed". It is a blessing, that is cultivated, refined, honed, and developed into Nationalism.

Many will never understand this concept. Perhaps they have never served, or perhaps, they did their four and got out. We, however, when faced with the prospect of having to leave, search desperately for ways to stay. We are not ignorant, we understand what is or could be at stake, and we gladly move towards the idea of a service greater than oneself. We are bonded by this, and it goes beyond rank, beyond branch, beyond generations.

Reguardless of why, we are the defenders of freedom.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Keeping It All In

She hides in a corner, behind the cobwebbed shadows
Huddled into a ball, she lets her head bow
Her throat swells into a lump, her nose drips,
Tears run down her face and salt tastes on her lips.
They fall upon her skirt, leaving a depressed shade,
Light around the water marks, dark wear they've laid.

Her lungs fight her heaving, as she tries to take air in,
But all she can manage are more tears falling on her skin.
Her heart races from the effort, making her tired and weak.
She tightens her hands into fists, pressing them against her cheeks.
Her sorrow flows out her eyes, but the pain is still inside
She can't fight her loss or tears, she can't fight the sadness
No matter how hard she tries.